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FY26 Appropriations Request Forms

Thank you for your interest in Congressman Fry’s fiscal year (FY) 2026 Appropriations Request Form and the FY 2026 Community Project Funding (CPF) process.


The deadline for all submissions is March 21, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. ET.


Appropriations Requests – Programmatic and Language – form attached HERE

  1. To submit an appropriations request please fill out the attached form.
  2. If you have more than one request, you will need to submit for each individual request. 
  3. If you have background material that you need to submit in addition to the form please send that material in an email to   
  4. The form asks for the FY26 President’s Budget Request amount, we understand that information is not available at this time. Until that information becomes available, please use ‘N/A’ to answer that question. Once you have that information please follow up with our team. 


Community Project Funding Requests – form attached HERE

  1. As you are likely aware, the CPF process is a funding mechanism that allows Members of Congress and Senators to request funding for specific projects with significant local impact. 
  2. Congressman Fry is committed to supporting projects that positively impact residents of South Carolina’s Seventh District and is happy to accept project funding requests for FY26. 
  3. Congressman Fry takes local community support for projects seriously and demonstration of that support is important. 
  4. This process comes with very stringent requirements and all requests will be substantially vetted by our team before moving forward. 
  5. Our office will work directly with you (or whoever you designate as the point of contact for the project) throughout the process. 
  6. Funding for projects is dependent on Congress passing appropriations for FY26, which begins on October 1, 2025. 
  7. As a planning note, Congress has still not completed its work for FY25, so those projects have not yet received their funding.

***PLEASE NOTE: As Congress works to finish funding for FY2025, guidance for FY2026 Appropriations process has not been released. As such, you will find information and guidance from FY2025 for now to help assist in this process. We expect the guidance for FY2026 to be very similar and will update you once it has been released. 


The deadline for all submissions is March 21, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. ET. Please email all forms to