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Service Academy Nominations


Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Service Academies. As your Member of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives, I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of students from the Seventh Congressional District to four of the five service academies each year. Attending one of the United States Service Academies is a high honor, and we want to ensure that our nation is represented by students who possess motivation, leadership potential, and academic excellence. For more information, please review my page of Frequently Asked Questions for those seeking a Military Academy Nomination.

The application process starts June 1st of each year. The application deadline for this year is 5 pm Friday, October 24, 2025.

To request a Military Academy Nomination from my office, please complete the form below.

A complete nomination file consists of the following items:

  • Online application – must be printed and signed
  • High school transcript – must be current
  • Current photo
  • Official American College Test Program (ACT) results and/or College Board Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) results. Send official test scores to our office (ACT to Code 7667; SAT to Code 7473)
  • Resume - should not exceed one page
    • Include all extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, volunteerism, work, JROTC, etc.)
    • Indicate any leadership roles you have held (captain, president, etc.)
  • An essay stating why you want to attend a service academy (500 words or less)
  • Three letters of recommendation
    • Letters may come from anyone except family members. We suggest seeking recommendations from the following:
      • Teachers
      • Counselors
      • Employers
      • Coaches
      • Service Members
      • Clergy
      • Scout Leaders
      • Community leaders

Members of Congress may nominate candidates for appointment to four of the five U.S. service academies:

The fifth service academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), New London, Connecticut, does not require a congressional nomination for appointment.

Congressman Fry may nominate up to ten individuals for each vacant academy slot allotted to our district. To request a Military Academy Nomination from our office, please mail all required documents to the Surfside Beach address below. Or, you can hand deliver the required documents to either office below. All documents must be received in one of our offices by 5 pm Friday, October 24, 2025.

Congressman Russell Fry
1500 Hwy 17 N.
Suite 304
Surfside Beach, SC 29575
or Congressman Russell Fry
1831 West Evans St.
Suite 300
Florence, SC 29501

It is important to emphasize that these nominations are extremely competitive, so we encourage potential applicants to contact our office as soon as possible.

Your Information
Prefix: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Date of Birth: *
Social Security Number (No Dashes):

Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
U.S. Citizen?
Yes No
If not, list your country of citizenship:
Father's Name: *
Father's Occupation: *
Father's Phone Number: *
Father's Email Address: *
Does your Father have prior Military Service? *
Yes No
Mother's Name: *
Mother's Occupation: *
Mother's Phone Number: *
Mother's Email Address: *
Does your Mother have prior Military Service? *
Yes No
Education Information
High School: *
High School Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
GPA: *
Class Size:
Class Rank:
Graduation Date:
Test Scores

SAT Scores

Critical Reading:

ACT Scores

Academy Information
Only select the Academy(s) that you are applying to

An appointment to the Service Academies is based on a desire by the candidate to devote a lifetime of military service and implies recognition by the appointee of an obligation to the government to devote him / herself to a military career.

Are you interested in an appointment on that basis?

Yes No
Additional Information

Name of home town paper?

Is it ok to use your name in a press release after receiving an appointment?

Yes No


Please include a list of your extra curricular activities and leadership responsibilities.

Print This Form

You can print and sign this form after you click the Generate Form button. The address information is located on this page and also on the print preview page.