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Supporting Our Veterans

Our veterans are our nation’s heroes. Freedom is not free, and we would not be here today as a nation without our veterans’ sacrifice to protect and defend our country.


South Carolina’s Seventh is home to well over 50,000 veterans. Our office is here to serve all of our SC-07 veterans. We can assist in working with the Department of Veterans Affairs on claim status, obtaining military medical and service records, helping to solve problems with VA medical center and community care appointments, and more.


As we support our troops when they are defending our country, we should equally support them when they return home and provide a robust system of support for them and their families.


Below are a few highlights of legislation I have supported to support our veterans.


H.R. 366 — the Korean American VALOR Act — This legislation allows veterans who served in the armed forces of the Republic of Korea during the Vietnam War, and have since become naturalized U.S. citizens, to become eligible for healthcare services through the Department of Veterans Affairs. This legislation was signed into law in 2023.


H.R. 1226 — the Wounded Warrior Access Act — This legislation requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish and maintain a website to enable claimants to request records related to VA claims and benefits. This legislation was signed into law in 2023.


H.R. 1282 — Major Richard Star Act — This legislation would allow combat-wounded veterans with less than 20 years of service both their disability compensation and retirement pay without reduction.


H.R. 3176 — Veterans Health Care Freedom Act — This legislation would grant veterans the option of seeking non-VA health care providers in their communities by removing the Department of Veterans Affairs out of the community care referral process.