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Regaining Our Energy Independence

Energy security is national security.


When the Biden administration took office, they waged war on our country’s energy independence — leaving America reliant on foreign countries, including some of our adversaries, for oil and gas.


This administration’s extreme regulations continue to stunt America’s economic growth, raise energy prices, and cripple domestic energy production. They continue to prioritize woke environmentalists at the expense of hard-working Americans.


House Republicans passed H.R. 1 – the Lower Energy Costs Act, which would bolster domestic energy production and reverse many of this administration’s anti-energy policies. We have pushed back against this administration’s anti-energy policies, and have passed several pieces of pro-energy legislation to reestablish American energy independence.


Americans are paying the price for the Biden administration’s war on our energy production. We must unleash America’s energy potential to lower costs, grow our economy, and stop having to rely on foreign dictators for energy.


Below are a few highlights of legislation I have supported to help regain our energy independence.


H.R. 1 — the Lower Energy Costs Act This legislation would restore American energy independence by increasing domestic energy production, reforming the permitting process for all industries, reversing the anti-energy policies advanced by the Biden administration, and boosting the production and processing of critical minerals. This legislation passed the U.S. House in 2023.


H.R. 22 — Strategic Production Response Act — This legislation would prohibit the release of petroleum from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, as well as the sale of petroleum, crude oil, or other products to any entity owned or controlled by the People’s Republic of China. This legislation passed the U.S. House in 2023.


H.R. 7176 — Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act — This legislation would permanently end the Biden administration’s pause on American liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and provide the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with the sole authority to approve American (LNG) exports. This legislation passed the U.S. House in 2024.