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Supporting Our Farmers

Farmers and ranchers are the backbone of America, and food security is a part of our national security.


Anything is better if it’s grown and produced in America — and with nearly a million acres of farmland in South Carolina’s Seventh, a lot of it is done in parts of the Grand Strand and Pee Dee.


We must always promote policies that support our farmers and ranchers who dedicate their lives to put food on our tables — not bombard them with red tape and overregulation.


I will always work to support farmers to make our agriculture industry one that continues to flourish. Below are a few highlights of legislation I have supported to support our farmers.


H.J.Res. 27 — Resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the rule submitted by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense, and the Environmental Protection Agency relating to "Revised Definition of 'Waters of the United States'” (WOTUS) — This resolution would have overturned the Biden administration’s overreaching Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. This rule created confusing and burdensome red tape for farmers across the country. This legislation was passed in both the U.S. House and Senate, but was vetoed by President Biden.


H.R. 5044 — Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act — This legislation would aim to find new and innovative uses for wood as a building material by establishing two grant programs and one pilot program designed to accelerate the research and development of wood for use in construction projects. It also would require the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish a system to accurately monitor and measure the carbon impacts for forest management. 


H.R. 5631 — Producer and Agricultural Credit Enhancement Act — This legislation would modernize the current limits on the Farm Service Agency’s ownership and operating loans to keep up with rising land and input costs for farmers. Ownership and operating loans can be used to improve or construct buildings, and purchase farm tools, equipment, seeds, and livestock. These loans can also be used to construct or rebuild farm buildings.