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Defending Our Constitution

The Constitution of the United States is our nation’s most important document and it serves as the supreme law of the land. This document has dutifully guided our country through times of change and challenge — and even after over 200 years, it continues to protect the freedoms and rights of We the People.


Every American is guaranteed freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, religious liberty, and due process of law because of our Constitution.


As the Representative for South Carolina’s Seventh in Washington, I proudly took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and safeguard the rights of the people of South Carolina’s Seventh and Americans across the country.


Below are a few highlights of legislation I have supported to help defend our Constitution.


H.J. Res. 8 — Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to require that the Supreme Court of the United States be composed of nine justices — This resolution would require the Supreme Court to be composed of only nine judges.


H.R. 140 — Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act — This legislation would aim to prevent censorship by federal government employees influencing third parties to censor the American people. This legislation would protect Americans’ First Amendment rights. This legislation passed the U.S. House in 2023.


H.R. 646 — Stop Harassing Owners of Rifles Today (SHORT) Act — This legislation would fight back against the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) federal registry for firearms with stabilizing braces. This legislation would remove the unconstitutional taxation, registration, and regulation in the National Firearms Act of firearms such as short-barreled rifles and short-barreled shotguns.


H.R. 6570 — Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act of 2023 — This legislation would reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and close loopholes that allow the federal government to purchase Americans’ data from Big Tech companies without a warrant.