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Securing Our Borders

When Joe Biden took office, he and his administration made a series of executive actions that undermined border security and encouraged illegal immigration — ultimately creating the worst border crisis our nation has ever seen.


This is a national security crisis, a public safety crisis, a humanitarian crisis, and a drain on taxpayer resources. It affects every town, county, and state across our nation — including South Carolina.


 the U.S. House. It would require the Department of Homeland Security to resume all planned border wall construction projects, restore President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy, tighten asylum standards, criminalize visa overstays, and increase the number of Border Patrol agents along the southern border.


H.R. 336 — Finish the Wall Act — This legislation would require the Department of Homeland Security to immediately resume all planned southern border wall construction that was halted by the Biden administration in January 2021. It would also require the Department of Homeland Security to certify that U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities collect DNA from arrested individuals who are convicted criminals or face criminal charges.


 H.Res. 863 — Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors — This resolution introduced two articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his willful refusal to enforce U.S. immigration laws and for breaching public trust. The U.S. House successfully voted to impeach Secretary Mayorkas on February 13, 2024. He is the first cabinet secretary to be impeached since 1876.


H.R. 6939 — the REMAIN in Mexico Act of 2024 — This legislation would require the Department of Homeland Security to re-implement the Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as the “Remain in Mexico” program established under the Trump administration to ensure that migrants awaiting U.S. asylum be returned to Mexico until their claim can be decided.